Senior Adults



Ten Goals for Senior Adults:

1.  Admit you are a senior adult.  In many cultures those over fifty are highly esteemed.  Look for ways to honor those who are older than you, setting precedence for the younger generation.

2.  Assess your past and prepare for the future.  Consider how God has provided spiritually for you and determine now to begin or continue your relationship with Him.

3.  Avail yourself of education regarding health issues.  Many communities and medical centers provide free screenings and classes to keep you aware of symptoms and treatment before they become serious.

4.   Accompany older senior adults to activities and doctors' visits.  Your help is invaluable to them, and you will learn from their experiences how to enhance your own life as a senior.

5.  Allow yourself to set new priorities and commitments.  Determine what is important to you and approach these ideals with a renewed commitment of achievement.

6.  Account for your financial status and goals.  Examine your insurance policies, bank accounts, wills, and trusts and decide what you can do to enhance your finances for the future.

7.  Attend activities provided by your church and community.  Fellowship with others stimulates the mind and eliminates self-pity.

8.  Approach others and encourage them to attend senior adult classes and activities.  You will add to your circle of friends and benefit both you and them.

9.  Analyze anxieties and give them to God.  His assurance of care and peace allows you to mature spiritually.

10.  Anticipate all God has for you as a senior adult and become aware of the blessing you can be to others.